Metal Building Contractors & Erectors Association

Our Mission is to support the professional advancement and development of metal building systems' contractors, erectors and our industry.

About Us

The Metal Building Contractors and Erectors Association supports its members in the metal building industry through a wide variety of programs and events.  For quality and training, the MCBEA offers the Quality and Craftsmanship Training Series.  For those who wish to show their potential customers that they are serious about quality and accountability, the association offers the AC478 Accreditation Program.  We also provide members with a Mentor program, matching newer businesses with industry veterans to help them expedite the journey and avoid pitfalls.

The MBCEA has an Annual Conference to allow members to get to know their peers nationwide, and offers an amazing series of speakers each year.  But each Chapter also holds events throughout the year to grow local support, training and camaraderie.  Additionally the MBCEA offers its members a chance to place or search “classified ads” where people can search for crews, or offer their crew as available to other members.  The members only area of the website also offers training videos and other helpful info not available to the public.  In all, the annual membership fee is far surpassed by the value provided by the organization, and we are getting stronger each year.  Join today!

AC478 Accredited members

The MBCEA is a trade association organized in 1968 to provide programs and services to the contractor and erector segments of the metal building industry. The association proudly boasts membership from virtually every aspect of the industry. The MBCEA is a membership-driven association, promoting the professionalism of its contractor and erector members.

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AC478 Accreditation
The AC478 Accreditation program is the most comprehensive quality assurance accreditation of its kind for metal building assembly. It is a standard to recognize metal building assemblers committed to excellence. It is administered by the International Accreditation Service, a member of the International Code Council Family of Solutions which develops the IBC codes.

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