56th Annual MBCEA Conference
Sheraton Le Meridien Hotel
555 South McDowell StreetNorth Tower
Charlotte, NC 28204-2605
Registration closes on April 7, 2025 for the 56th Annual MBCEA Conference which will be held at the Sheraton Le Meridien Hotel in Charlotte, NC from Wednesday, May 7 - Friday, May 9, 2025. This year we will bring back the classic Field Personnel and Management session tracks. Click on the Agenda button for more details on the schedule. We are planning a great meeting and hope you will be part of it!
We will be co-located with MBMA's Spring Meeting, enjoy networking opportunities, and have extra time to spend with the exhibitors.
Very few Sponsorship Opportunities remain so we encourage you to click on the Sponsors button above to secure yours. Booth space is sold out. The Building of the Year Contest is now closed.
Don’t miss out! Register now!
Price | |
Member Attendee Registration
$525.00 |
Additional Attendee from Same Member Company
$350.00 |
Spouse Registration
$250.00 |
Non-Member Attendee Registration
*Only members are allowed to attend roundtables. |
$790.00 |
Additional Attendee from Same Non-Member Company
*Only members are allowed to attend roundtables. |
$615.00 |
Price | |
Additional Exhibitor Personnel
$350.00 |
Non-Member and MBMA Company Registration
$2,750.00 |
Price | |
Individual Golf Registration
$175.00 |
Rental Clubs
$65.00 |
May 7 | |
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM | MBCEA Board Meeting (MBCEA Only) |
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM | Exhibitor Setup |
11:00 AM - 5:30 PM | MBCEA & MBMA Registration Desk Open |
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM | MBMA Board Meeting (MBMA Only) |
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM | MBCEA & MBMA Opening Remarks, Keynote Speaker, MBCEA Awards Ceremony (All) Join us as we kick off our three days together. Keynote speaker Caleb Campbell - former NFL Linebacker, West Point Graduate, and Army Officer - will share the framework to navigate uncertainty, expand your capacity and accelerate transformation. Learn how to thrive through challenges and lead with purpose. MBMA's Safety Awards; MBCEA's Building of the Year Awards; and the Metal Construction News Metal Construction Hall of Fame induction will round out this session. |
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM | MBCEA & MBMA Welcome Reception and Exhibit Hall (All) Begin making your rounds in the Exhibit Hall during our Welcome Reception while enjoying a dinner buffet, visiting with old friends, and making new. |
May 8 | |
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM | MBCEA & MBMA Networking Breakfast and Exhibit Hall (All) Continue to visit with the vendors during breakfast. |
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM | MBCEA & MBMA Registration Desk Open (All) |
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | MBCEA Educational Session - Successful Project Startup & Management (Utilizing AC478) (MBCEA Members) This session will cover Planning, Starting, Scheduling, Delivering and Close-Out of a Project with a focus on safety and quality throughout. |
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | MBMA Spring Association Meeting (MBMA Members) |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM | MBCEA & MBMA Networking Lunch and Exhibit Hall (All) Take some time to focus in on just a few of the vendors you'd like to learn more about during lunch. |
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM | MBCEA Contractor/Erector Roundtable (MBCEA Members) This highly anticipated session allows you to bounce things off of your peers, collaborating and learning from each other for the betterment of your business and the industry. |
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM | MBMA Spring Association Meeting (MBMA Members) |
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM | MBCEA & MBMA Educational Session on Cybersecurity (All) We will look at the hacker problem and hacker economy, share real world stories and practical security awareness tips and cyber security basics to adopt today. |
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM | MBCEA & MBMA Networking Reception and Exhibit Hall (All) It's time to focus on a few more vendors for in-depth conversations about how they can help your business. After light refreshments, plan to go out to eat with someone new you've met or a long-time associate. |
May 9 | |
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM | MBCEA & MBMA Networking Breakfast and Exhibit Hall (All) Here's your last chance to make those connections invaluable to your business! |
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM | Exhibitor Breakdown |
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
MBCEA Field Sessions (All)
OSHA & fall protection for steel/MB erection What OSHA’s new heat illness prevention standard will require 2025 OSHA update and open Q&A |
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM | MBCEA & MBMA Educational Session - Litigation Risk (All) James Gallagher, P.E., will speak about disputes in construction and strategies for resolving them effectively. He will cover some new innovations in the industry such as BIM, AI, game theory and others, and their potential to increase or decrease dispute risk. He will also review the post-pandemic resolution environment and how dispute resolution is evolving. Valuable for owners, developers, architects, engineers, builders and other top executives in construction-related businesses. |
10:15 AM - 12:00 PM |
MBCEA & MBMA Association Updates and Joint Roundtable (All)
Tony Bouquot, MBMA and Robert Tiffin, MBCEA will share the latest association happenings. The Joint Roundtable will be a time for contractors, erectors, manufacturers and suppliers to discuss industry issues and resolutions. |
12:30 PM - 7:00 PM | Golf Tournament (All) Shotgun start at 1:30 pm with transportation provided to and from the Skybrook Golf Course. With an average tournament time of 5 hours, we expect to leave at 6:30 pm to be back at the hotel at @ 7 pm. Club rentals should be reserved and paid for at time of registration. This is a great time to network and associate at the end of the conference, continuing the discussions and making those connections. We've bought out the place and must have a minimum of 80 players so don't hesitate to sign up! |
Shipping and Parking Information
Booth space has sold out.
Note that these are table top displays, with a 6’ covered table and two chairs provided and the spacing between tables will be 2 to 3 feet. This is not a pipe and drape setup. We aim to give each exhibitor about an 8’ wide footprint with a few feet behind the table and in front.
Sponsorship Opportunities are now Available for the 56th Annual MBCEA Conference!
Get your brand in front of your customers in Charlotte in May 2025! Nowhere else will you find metal building systems erectors, contractors, and manufacturers in the same room. Limited opportunities are available so grab one now!
Thank you to our sponsors!
Contest is now closed. We look forward to the awards presentation at the conference.
Watch this short video to see last conference's winner:
Pioneers Club Applications Now Being Accepted
Please submit the name of a colleague or yourself for selection into the MBCEA Pioneers Club.
The distinct purpose behind the creation of this important Pioneers Club is the association's determination to give credit and recognition to metal building contractors and erectors who have been such for at least 25 consecutive years.
Accepted applications will become a permanent part of the history of our industry. The celebrated people who are selected as members of the Pioneers Club will be asked to attend the 56th Annual MBCEA Conference at the Sheraton Le Meridien Hotel in Charlotte, NC on May 7-9, 2025, to accept the prestigious award.
Sheraton Le Meridien Hotel
555 S McDowell St N
Charlotte, NC 28204
Book your hotel reservation for the MBCEA Conference
Last Day to Book : Monday, April 21, 2025
Beware of Scammers!
We understand that you may be contacted by outside companies attempting to sell you exhibitor services, lead retrieval, hotel reservations, attendee lists or more for the upcoming 2025 MBCEA 56th Annual Conference. Please rest assured, we never sell our exhibitors' or attendees' contact information.
Instead, these 3rd party companies will scrape event websites for exhibiting companies and research contact information to present themselves as show partners – some even will use the MBCEA logo.
The MBCEA and the Sheraton Le Meridien Hotel will never call you to make a hotel reservation.
Unless the email is coming from an @mbcea.org address, it is a scam and we ask that you please proceed with caution!
Don’t be fooled by other parties using the MBCEA name and/or logo – they are NOT affiliated with MBCEA. At the very least, prior to engaging with any of these outside companies, feel free to verify with Britain Graver.