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Common Industry Practices - MBMA Resources Webinar

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EDT)

Event Details

Find out what’s new with MBMA’s Common Industry Practices.  If you aren’t familiar with this document, then you really need to tune in because it is typically an integral part of the metal building manufacturer’s contract documents.  Learn what is included in the Common Industry Practices and what revisions and updates are going to be included in the new edition that will be coming out soon.

Also, learn about other MBMA Resources that should be of interest to MBCEA members and where to find them.

Please register to attend this virtual event. Since this educational session is a members-only event, the purchaser does need to be logged into their account in order to register. 

For More Information:

Britain Graver
Britain Graver
Administrative Assistant MBCEA (123)456-7890