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MBCEA-NEC 31st Annual Golf Outing

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Event Details

The 31st annual MBCEA-NEC golf tournament will be taking place on July 21! This year we have decided again to hold our tournament at Lake of Isles at Foxwoods Casino Resort. We have had great success over the last few years and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. This has made our decision for one more year at this premiere golf resort an easy choice.

This event is a major fundraising opportunity each year to help our mission to promote the Metal Building Industry in New England and nationally.   The funds help provide education and training to our members for little or no cost.

We would like to invite your company to participate in this year’s event by signing up to play or by taking advantage of one of the many sponsorship opportunities.  Below please find links to the Golf Entry and Sponsorship forms.  Please complete and email back to Jeff Mullaney.  As in previous years, these opportunities will fill up fast so don’t delay.  We expect our best turnout ever this year because of this outstanding resort location.

Thank you in advance for your support and help to make this event a huge success again.

Entry Form

Sponsorship Form