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Mid-Atlantic Chapter Leadership Meeting

Friday, May 20, 2022
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM (EDT)

Event Details

Successful Companies Come From Successful Leadership

The Mid-Atlantic Division (MAD) of the MBCEA cordially invites all MBCEA members to attend this virtual session on Friday, May 20, at 8:30 am ET. Please see the registration form for more information. Deadline to register is Monday, May 16. Registered attendees will receive the Teams invite on May 19.
The core concepts of good leadership are undeniably essential to every successful organization. While that seems like a big statement, every successful company, team, or group has good leaders in it at some level. So what are the core tenants of good leadership – and how does a company find and put good leaders in place? This program will answer those questions by identifying some of the core leadership principles and discussing strategies to implement sound leadership at your company. Join us to learn the difference between leadership and management, how clear communication plays a vital role in leadership, how to deal with employees who are poor performers or lack motivation, and many other important issues. The program will be led by David Leinbach of Kaiser Martin Group and Josh Quinter of Offit Kurman. 

For More Information:

Sasha Demyan
Sasha Demyan
Executive Director; Mid-Atlantic Chapter Secretary MBCEA (484)239-3337