
Sponsorship of Tax Planning 2/27/25 Session Exposure includes logo in mailings for webinar, registration, and on event page. The sponsor may...
Member Price: $500
Ad in Member Directory With over 1,000 hits a month on the member directory, placing an ad which carries through on the...
Member Price: $450
Ad in e-newsletter With a monthly send to about 3,000 email addresses, advertising in the e-newsletter for 12 issues...
Member Price: $500/yr
Ad in MBCEA App News Feed Feature your brand, company, or product(s)/services at the forefront of our app! Ad will run for...
Member Price: $150
Thursday MBCEA Educational Session (5/8/25) All MBCEA attendees will experience the walk-through of a project from planning through close-out...
Price: $2,000
AC478 Members Cocktail Hour - 2025 This exclusive event, open only to accredited members, will take place in a small private venue....
Price: $1,000
Builders Games (5/7/25) Builders Games! Attendees will participate in several competitions throughout the conference to...
Price: $1,000
Field Training Friday Track (5/9/25) Friday's Field Track will be dedicated to Safety Leadership. Topics covered to include: OSHA...
Price: $500
SOLD - Lunch in Exhibit Hall (5/8/25) The joint MBCEA and MBMA Exhibit Hall will feature around 50 vendors specific to metal building...
Price: $3,000
SOLD - Afternoon Refreshment Break (5/8/25) Refreshments (beverages and snacks) will be provided during the afternoon on Thursday as we learn...
Price: $2,000
SOLD - NEW! - Conference Event in MBCEA Mobile App Hyperlinked banner ad will be displayed at the top of the event page in the app, at the top of the...
Price: $5,000
SOLD - NEW! - Wellness Center This popular mini drugstore at the registration desk is highly visible and frequently...
Price: $500